It is a stimulant which is served for breakfast, lunch or snack in pasta has spread on bread.
It supports all kinds of pastries.
Available on, 350,700 gram
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您当前的位置/Your current location:首页/Home » 进口供应/InChina » 摩洛哥阿穆卤/阿甘油杏仁酱 AMLOU BELDI
摩洛哥阿穆卤/阿甘油杏仁酱 AMLOU BELDI
详细信息/Details ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 摩洛哥阿穆卤/阿甘油杏仁酱
(中国进出口网)名称:AMLOU BELDI 其他名称:spread 100%有机,没有任何化学处理或添加剂防腐剂。 原产地:Marocco •外观:粘性液体 •颜色:棕色杏仁色。 •味道:香甜 重量:300mg,700mg ![]() AMLOU BELDI Process for obtaining: Natural mixe between organic argan oil, roasted almond and organic organe honey Bodies pressed: Fruit of the argan tree (Argania spinosa) sorted, selected and roasted, sorted and roasted almonds Name : AMLOU BELDI Other names : spread Qualité : 100% organic and pure, without any chemical treatment or additives or preservatives, Food Quality . Country of origine : Marocco Organoleptic properties: The amlou is a Moroccan culinary preparation based argan oil, fines and honey. It is a tonic that is served at breakfast or snack in a paste spread on bread. It supports all kinds of pastries • Appearance: viscous liquid • Color: brown tends to almond color. • Smell: sweet, pleasant, smell of honey Food features : Calories 545Sodium 0 mg Total Fat 54 gPotassium 0 mg Saturated 15 gTotal Carbs 5 g Polyunsaturated 33 gDietary Fiber 0 g Monounsaturated 37 gSugars 0 g Trans 0 gProtein 19 g Cholesterol 0 mg What is amlou? For the whole family in fun times. Amlou is the name of a spread Berber done traditionally. It is a succulent t gluttony that is taken at breakfast or snack. This preparation brings together all the ingredients for a fortifying and stimulating culinary preparation and Ideal as an energetic product, also very consumed by all Moroccans. the Amlou is a Moroccan culinary preparation was based on Argan oil, Honey and Amends.
It is a stimulant which is served for breakfast, lunch or snack in pasta has spread on bread. It supports all kinds of pastries. Available on, 350,700 gram 中国进出口网Chinainout是全球肌肤护理产品,秀发护理产品,阿甘油,阿甘油日霜,阿甘油晚霜,仙人掌球籽油,阿甘油肥皂,唇膏,男士剃须后用霜,沐浴露,面部用阿甘油(晚用),洗发水,护发霜,护发精华,花恩娜摩洛哥粘土面膜粉,黑皂,有机阿甘油食品和阿穆卤生产加工出口企业在中国推广展示企业品牌形象和产品的最专业和最大的平台。
Chinainout is the professional and biggest platform for Organic argan oil cosmetics, shampoo, cream creams, serum, black soap, Ghassoul,organic argan oil food and Amlou production and export enterprises to promote the business in China.
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